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Crypt Hunt

Tier 1

Participation: Unlimited

In this event, participating students of your school will work together to solve cryptic riddles that will send you across the internet. The questions will cover technology, pop culture, entertainment, and much more.

  • Participants are allowed to use the internet.
  • Schools will progress together, meaning that any one participant from a school getting the answer to the school’s current question will advance the entire school.
  • Points will be awarded to schools based on their position on the leaderboard at the end of the event. In case of a tie, the school that solved the question first will be higher.
  • The organizing committee (OC) may periodically provide hints to schools. These may be the same for all schools or may be customized as per the progress of the school. The decisions of the OC when providing hints will be final and binding.
  • Schools are not allowed to discuss anything relating to the questions with other schools. If any member of a school is found discussing questions with a member of another school, both schools will receive a temporary ban. In case of multiple offences, the school may be permanently banned from the event. The decision of the OC in this regard is final and binding.
  • Participants from a school will be able to discuss over their school’s official channel on the Discord server for ShriTeq. All other discussions related to the event must take place in OC-sanctioned environments.
  • All calls, meetings, or other forms of communication must have at least one OC member present at all times.

Failure to comply with any of these rules could result in a temporary or permanent ban of the school from the event.


  • 3rd November: 5 pm. Crypt Hunt Website opens
  • 5th November: 11:59 pm. Crypt Hunt website closes